House passes debt ceiling suspension that is doomed in the Senate

CNBC | PUBLISHED WED, SEP 29 2021 2:18 PM EDT UPDATED 2 HOURS AGO   The House on Wednesday passed a bill to suspend the U.S. debt ceiling as the country barrels toward a first-ever default with no clear solution in sight. Republicans will sink the plan in the...

Stock futures are slightly higher after rising rates hit tech stocks

CNBC | PUBLISHED WED, SEP 29 2021 6:06 PM EDT UPDATED 39 MIN AGO   U.S. stock index futures inched higher during overnight trading on Wednesday, after tech stocks dipped again as investors digest the impact from higher rates. Futures contracts tied to the Dow...

LPS pangkas suku bunga penjaminan simpanan menjadi 3,5%

KONTAN | Rabu, 29 September 2021 / 18:19 WIB   KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Suku bunga simpanan masih berpeluang turun seiring dengan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) yang memangkas bunga penjaminan simpanan. Ketua LPS Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa mengatakan rapat...